HSCI Introduction to R Workshop - December 11th

By Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core for HSCI

Date and time

Friday, December 11, 2015 · 10am - 4pm EST


Countway Library, Room 403

10 Shattuck St Boston, MA 02115


Join the Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core (HBC) for an introductory R workshop. This workshop will provide a basic introduction to R, the open-source platform for statistical computation and graphics.

With hands-on exercises, learn how to import and manage datasets, create R objects, install and load R packages, conduct basic statistical analyses, and create graphical displays.

No prior R experience required.

Who should attend?

Harvard researchers affiliated with the Harvard Stem Cell Institute.

Format and Schedule

Format: This workshop introduces basic concepts for data management, analysis and plotting in R through live tutorials. At the end of this workshop, participants will have a good understanding of R syntax and basic commands, and how to use R to manage data, perform basic analyses, and visualize data.

Schedule: 10am - 4pm (includes a break for lunch* and a short break in the afternoon)

* Lunch will not be provided, but there are a number of cafeterias and restaurants in the immediate vicinity.

Cost and payment procedure

There is a $50 registration fee for this workshop. Once you sign up on Eventbrite, we will check your eligibility (see the Requirements section below) and send you an email with a link to the payment website. Please make sure you pay within the time stated in that email, else you will lose your spot to someone on the waitlist.

You will be registered for this event only once you have paid the $50.


Participants must be Harvard Stem Cell Institute-affiliated researchers.

Organized by

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